Mezzanine Floor Racking System-Cicor Anam

In 2013, Vinarack and Cicor Anam signed the acceptance, handover and put into use of the Mezzanine Floor Racking System at the factory of Cicor Anam in Thuan An, Binh Duong.

With this Mezzanine Floor Racking System of Vinarack, it has created new premises quickly, which saves investment costs compared to new construction or expansion of Cicor Anam's factory. When installing this system, it does not affect the production or change of existing structures on the premises. This system can be removed and moved to another location quickly. Especially Mezzanine Floor Racking System is designed in accordance with the requirements of each use purpose.

Advantages of Mezzanine Floor Racking System:
- Take advantage of the space of the warehouse or production place. Floor-shelf system is an appropriate choice for installation in warehouse storage or production area, office, workplace ...
- Do not affect the production or change the structure of the warehouse during the installation process
- Combined with other types of shelves with floor systems to increase the storage of goods.
- Especially floor-shelf system is designed in accordance with the requirements of each use purpose.
- Easy to disassemble, move to another position quickly.

Information of Mezzanine Floor Racking System of Cicor Anam:

  • Area of floor area: 200m2
  • Selective shelf load: 1200kg / floor (1st floor); 700kg / floor (floors 2 and 3)
  • Floor load: 300kg / m2
  • Duration of 45 days

Mezzanine Floor Racking System-Cicor Anam